This is a compilation of letters to Mayor Shelley
View the letters to Mayor Shelley
- "160 Million White People"
- "A Big Plot"
- "A Bunch of Rejects"
- "A Fair Resolution"
- "A Lot of Grief" (Cont'd)
- "Ad Hoc Beatniks"
- "Ad Hoc Needs Your Help"
- "Aid Mod Rule"
- "Alabama"
- "Amorphous Group"
- "Appreciation"
- "Approved Letter Cover"
- "April 1"
- "Beat-niks, Fairies and Commies"
- "Believed Communistic"
- "Bordered on Anarchy"
- "Boycott" (Cont'd)
- "Capitulation"
- "Civil Wrongs"
- "Condemn You"
- "Damned Niggers"
- "Declaration - Military Order of the World Wars"
- "Disgrace"
- "True SF Lovers"
- "Unreliable Gangs"
- "Use Some"
- "Vigilante" (Cont'd)
- "What Kind of Irishman"
- "What Kind of Mayor"
- "What Not to Do"
- "While You Were Out"
- "Why the Going is Good"
- "Williams to Editor" (Cont'd)
- "Williams to Shelley"
- "Wise Up" (Cont'd)
- "you know what"
- "Disgrace to the City"
- "Disgraceful"
- "Disgusting Antics"
- "End Unfair Practices" (Cont'd)
- "Expense of the Many" (Cont'd)
- "Fine and Fair"
- "Fourth Generation"
- "Free of Charge" (Cont'd)
- "Get Tough" (Cont'd)
- "Good Luck" (Cont'd)
- "Good Policy"
- "Good Senses"
- "Gutless Cheap Politicians"
- "Gutless Yellow Mayor"
- "Hasty Note" (Cont'd)
- "Hoodlumism"
- "I Salute You"
- "In the Gutter"
- "Incomprehensible"
- "Intelligent and Courageous"
- "Invite Your Friends"

- "Kennedy's Killer"
- "Law Enforcement Responsiblity" (page 2) (page 3) (page 4)
- "Love This City"
- "Magnificent"
- "Man or Mouse"
- "Mayor with Guts"
- "Mayor's Approved Response" (Cont'd)
- "Mayor's Response" (Cont'd)
- "Military Order" (Cont'd)
- "Minority Groups"
- "Misfits, Crackpots, Exhibitionists"
- "Montgomery Street Set"
- "Native Son" (page 2) (page 3)
- "Necessary Shop-Ins" (Cont'd)
- "Not Proud"
- "Old Time"
- "Pacific Oil and Gas"
- "Prouder than Ever"
- "Public Outrage" (Cont'd)
- "Replaced by Niggers"
- "Responsible Citizens"
- "Rioters Took Over"
- "Righeous Demonstration"
- "Rough Treatment of Negroes" (Cont'd)
- "Segregation in San Francisco"
- "Send Letter"
- "Shame"
- "Sick of This"
- "So-Called Civil Rights"
- "Solutions"
- "Sorry I Hustled for You"
- "Students"
- "Sullivan to Shelley"
- "Taken Over" (Cont'd)
- "Teeth Come Out"
- "Thanks"
- "The Negro Element"
- "The Student Are Right"
- "This or That or Else"
- "Threats of Violence"