Documenting the Stonewall Riots: A Bibliography of Primary Sources

This online resource is a research supplement to Marc Stein, The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History (New York: New York University Press, 2019). It provides references for primary documents related to the materials reprinted in The Stonewall Riots; most of the sources come from newspapers, magazines, and newsletters. It is not comprehensive or complete; please send recommendations for additional primary sources by email to

There are multiple options for finding the documentary sources listed in the bibliographies. Some are only available in physical libraries and archives, but many have been digitized. Many mainstream and African American periodicals (magazines and newspapers) are available via Proquest Historical NewspapersNewsbank, and Google Books. Many alternative, independent, and left periodicals are available via Independent Voices--Reveal Digital. For LGBT periodicals, see LGBT Life with Full Text (EBSCO), Archives of Sexuality and Gender (Gale), and the OutHistory website.

Research assistance provided by Mario Burrus, Adam Joseph Nichols and Cole Souder. Website support provided by Margaret Paz.

There are multiple options for finding the documentary sources listed in the bibliographies. Some are only available in physical libraries and archives, but many have been digitized. Many mainstream and African American periodicals (magazines and newspapers) are available via Proquest Historical NewspapersNewsbank, and Google Books. Many alternative, independent, and left periodicals are available via Independent Voices--Reveal Digital. For LGBT periodicals, see LGBT Life with Full Text (EBSCO), Archives of Sexuality and Gender (Gale), and the OutHistory website.

Research assistance provided by Mario Burrus, Adam Joseph Nichols, and Cole Souder. Website support provided by Margaret Paz.

Part I: Before Stonewall, 1965-1969

Chapter 1: Gay Bars and Antigay Policing

Chapter 2: Activist Agendas and Visions before Stonewall

Chapter 3: Political Protests before Stonewall

Part II: Stonewall

Chapter 4: The Stonewall Inn

Chapter 5: The Stonewall Riots

Part III: After Stonewall, 1969-1973

Chapter 6: Activist Agendas after Stonewall

Chapter 7: Political Protests after Stonewall 

Chapter 8: Pride Marches and Parades


Reviews and Endorsements

Lectures and Interviews

About the Author: Short CV / Long CV / Biography

Stonewall Riots with young adults gathered