Managing Editor | Abby Stoner |
Editorial Board |
Bob Franklin |
Production Coordinator | Erika Bliss |
Myth or Reality?: English Privateers and their Effect upon Venice at the End of Elizabeth’s Reign
Joseph Davies
A Provoked Precocity: The Image of Adolescence in Late Medieval English Drama and Pedagogy
Robert Dawson
Strange Bedfellows: The Boilermakers and Women During World War II
Guinevere Borstel
The Subtleties of Sexism in Today’s Legal Profession
Jeanine Volluz
Back from El Norte
Robert Dawson
Editor’s Note
The History Students’ Association is pleased to present its inaugural volume of ex post facto. In our selection of papers, we have attempted to reflect the breadth of interests of students in the history department. It is our hope that future volumes of the journal will offer an even greater scope of student work.
There are several people without whom this project would not have been possible. We would like to thank Dr. Jerald Combs, Chair of the History Department, and Jerry McIntyre, Department Secretary, for their interest andtimely deliverance of funding for the journal, especially in light of the budget crisis. We would also like to express our appreciation to Dr. Jacques Hymans for his support as advisor to the HSA. In addition, special thanks must go to Joe Davies for his tireless efforts in coordinating printing and assisting with production. Finally, we are indebted to Bob Pasker for his technical and creative assistance (particularly for providing the name “ex post facto’!) and to Greg Nathan for his helpful input.