Book Reviews
Edith Sarra's Fictions of Femininity
Adam Fong
Robert Bartlett's The Making of Modern Europe
Adam Fong
Kalevi J. Holsti's Peace and War
Jacob Pemberton
Managing Editor | George Malachowski |
Editorial Board |
John Skovgaard |
Layout Editor | Xavier Gomez |
Faculty Advisor | Chris Waldep |
Barbed Wire Athletes: The Sporting Practices of Japanese-American Internees During World War II
Michael Mott
Counterattack: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Jacob Pemberton
The Career of LeRoy King: Labor, Race, and Politics in the Post-World Ward II San Francisco
John Rosen
Beyond Measure: L.S. Sherman and Sherman, Clay & Company, A San Francisco House of Music, 1870-1926
Michelle Squyer
Revitalization Movements: The Problems of AIM, Women and Mazeways
Jennifer Cullison
Hours of Painful Disillusionment: Sylvester Andriano and the Army's Individual Exclusion Program
George Malachowski
A Measure of All Things: Traditional Chinese Architecture and Culture
Adam Fong
The Role of Rhetoric and Class in Proposition 13
John Corrally
Christian Unity and Sectarian Violence: Reasons for Intolerant Legisaltion in Fourth Century Rome
Ethan Spanier
Amid the Sand and Fog: The Development of the Sunset District in San Francisco. 1912-1940
Jacob Pemberton