Managing Editors |
Diana Wuerthner |
Associate Editors |
Andrew Bethke |
Editorial Board |
Jose Barocio |
Layout Editors |
Diana Wuerthner |
Faculty Advisor | Eva Sheppard-Wolf |
The Film to End All Wars: The Great War in the Postwar Imagination
Michael Castellanos
Was Hiram Johnson a True Isolationist During World War I and the League of Nations Debate?
Michael K. Whitcomb
The Lost Voices: Children in the Holocaust and the Dangers of the “Anne Frank Myth”
Andrea Holland
A Space of their Own in Gold Rush Society: Chinese Acceptance and Chop Suey
Jennifer Grohol
Interpreting Mexico ’68: Reality, Construct, and Time in Flux
Julie Powell
Hierarchies of the Dead: Remembrance, Wealth, and Purgatorial Relief in England, Italy and France, 1170 C.E.- 1400 C.E.
A.K. Watts
Samuel Bower and Perfect Nudity: Antebellum Health Reform and the Self
Elwood Miller
Sputnik and the National Defense of Education Act: A case Study of Federal Debate, 1956-1958
Dylan Zamir Drovdal
The Death of Bushido: An Analysis of the Evolution of Bushido from its Origins in Heian Japan to its Distortion into a Militaristic Philosophy during World War II
Russell L. Weber
“The Strangeness and Incongruity”: Alicia Little’s Reflections on the Chinese, Foreigners and Herself in Intimate China
Theresa Vasquez Cooper