Review: Margot Canaday's "The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America"
Kacey Calahane
Managing Editors |
Jessica J. Abernathy |
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Kelly Boylan |
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Mark Anderson |
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Jessica J. Abernathy |
Faculty Advisor | Eva Sheppard-Wolf |
Early Trends in Anti-Mormon Literature, 1840-1843
Erin Hitchcock
“The Maiden tribute of Modern Babylon”: Sex, Vice and Prostitution in Victorian London
Julie Opperman
Shepherds, Vampires, Guilty Cats and Buffalo Bill: A Historiography of Discourse
Sheri L. Kennedy
What is to be done… and who is going to do it? Historical Interpretations of the Relevance of Marxism
Gregory Sherman
Shifting Dynamite: An Anarchisroriography from Haymarket to Sacco and Vanzetti
Max Speare
The Reform of Control and the Folsom Prison Riot of 1927
Brendan Byron
Republican Education and Gender Ideology in Post-Revolutionary America
Sarah Dodson
“We Are Not Merely Soldiers—We Are Citizens”: Baltimore’s Volunteer Militias and the Contested Republicanism of the 1790s
Sean Gallagher
Doing What Comes Naturally: Olympias as Mother, Regent and Royal Woman
Lisa Jackson
American Conservatism in the Modern Era
Chris Schwandt
Doubling Down on a Bottle of Gin: An Analysis of the Trial of Harry Brolaski as a Representation of the Growth of Crime and Corruption in San Francisco during the Prohibition Era
Russell Weber