Vulgar Display of Power: The Soundscape and Social Dynamics of a Roman Banquet
Ty Robinson - Graduate Joseph Mullins Prize in History Winner
“Like Stone Thrown in Still Water”: A Historiography of African Muslims in Early America
Erin Pederson
Revolutionary RealPolitik: Ideological and Economic Origins of the American Revolution
Nicholas Dawes
“I Must Do What Their Hearts Say”: Reassessing The Role of Captain Jack in the Modoc War
Julian Quiñones
“We Shall Sing One Song”: American Fears, Revolution and Solidarity in the Music of the Industrial Workers of the World
Kaitlyn Bylard
1918: Allied Intervention and the Origins of the Cold War
Gregory Sherman
Bleating of the Lambs: German Children and Ethno-Nationalism in Post-War Poland
Heather Grossbard
Fatherland: Conceptions of Homeland in Anti-Colonial Nationalism
Cameron Collins
Work in Progress: A Study of Evolving Class Analysis
Mark Anderson
Unsung Heroes: The Rhetorical Power of African-American Women in the Civil Rights Movement
Erin Hitchcock - Undergraduate Joseph Mullins Prize in History Winner
The Inception of the Red Power Movement: An Examination of Contributing Factors
Danielle Magana
Eduardo Galeano's Legacy
Jesse Greenwald
Andrew Martinez, "The Naked Guy": Prophet of the Body Freedom Movement
Elwood Miller