Faith, Disability, and Community Action
On Tuesday, June 9th at 4-5:30pm PT / 7-8:30pm ET, join us for a candid and timely conversation about how faith and disability communities can take action to keep disabled and chronically ill people safe and alive during this dangerous time of COVID-19.
Speakers will include Rabbi Julia Watts Belser, associate professor of Jewish Studies and Disability Studies at Georgetown University, whose work brings queer feminist disability ethics into conversation with Jewish tradition, and Patrice Strahan, core member of Disability Justice Culture Club, a disabled-led, international leader in creating successful BIPOC-led mutual aid networks.
This event is a fundraiser and funds from ticket sales will be going to disability-led projects that help disabled and chronically ill people live and thrive: The Disability Visibility Project, The Disability Justice Culture Club, and The Color of Change: Disabled Creatives and Activists Relief Fund