
Marc Stein

Jamie and Phyllis Pasker Professor of History
Phone: (415) 338-2982
Location: Humanities Building Room 263
Office Hours:
Tue: 3:20 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.
Thu: 3:20 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. and by appointment on weekdays

I am a historian of U.S. law, politics, and society, with research and teaching interests in constitutional law, social movements, gender, race and sexuality. My books and articles have focused on twentieth century urban gay and lesbian history; U.S. Supreme Court decisions on sex, marriage and reproduction; queer political activism; and sexual politics in the discipline of history. Over the last decade I have taught courses on U.S. constitutional law, gender and sexuality in North American history and the history of twentieth century political movements.


Ph.D., History, University of Pennsylvania, 1994.

B.A., History, Wesleyan University, 1985.


Current and Previous Positions

Jamie and Phyllis Pasker Professor of History, History Dept., San Francisco State Univ., 2014-.

Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, History Dept. and School of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, York Univ., 1998-2016 (leave of absence 2014-16).

Visiting Assistant Professor, History Dept., Colby College, 1996-98.

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Gender Studies, Bryn Mawr College, 1995-96.

Lecturer and Chimicles Fellow, History Dept., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1993-95.


Honors and Awards

Marcus Transformative Research Award, San Francisco State Univ., 2024-25

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant, 2014-16.

Faculty of Graduate Studies Teaching Award, York Univ., 2010.

Audre Lorde Prize for Best Article, Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, 2006.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant, 2001-05.

Gregory Sprague Prize for Best Chapter, Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, 1996.

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Gender Studies, Bryn Mawr College, 1995-96.

Ohio State Univ, Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined), 1995-96.

Andrew W. Mellon Dissertation Fellowship, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1993-94.

Ken Dawson Annual Award for Lesbian/Gay History, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, City Univ. of New York, 1993.

Phi Beta Kappa and Leonard Prize, Wesleyan Univ., 1985.

Selected Publications:



  • Queer Public History: Essays on Scholarly Activism (Oakland: Univ. of California Press, 2022).
  • The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History (New York: NYU Press, 2019).
  • Rethinking the Gay and Lesbian Movement (New York: Routledge, 2012; 2nd ed. 2023).
  • Sexual Injustice: Supreme Court Decisions from Griswold to Roe (Chapel Hill: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2010). Choice Outstanding Academic Title.
  • City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves: Lesbian and Gay Philadelphia, 1945-72 (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2000; 2nded. with new preface, Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 2004).

Edited Works

Guest Editor, “U.S. Homophile Internationalism,” Journal of Homosexuality 64.7 (Apr. 2017).

Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America (3 volumes) (New York: Scribners, 2003). Library Journal “Best Reference,” 2004; Booklist “Editor’s Choice,” 2004; Reference and User Services Assoc. “Outstanding Reference Source,” 2005; New York Public Library “Best of Reference,” 2005.


Book Chapters

“Heterosexual Inversions: Satire, Parody, and Comedy in the 1950s and 1960s,” Heterosexual Histories: Collected Essays about Sexuality, Norms, and U.S. History, ed. Rebecca Davis and Michele Mitchell (New York: NYU Press, 2021), 195-224.

“Law and Politics: ‘Crooked and Perverse’ Narratives of LGBT Progress,” Routledge History of Queer America, ed. Don Romesburg (New York: Routledge, 2018), 315-330.

“Race, Class, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Doctrine of Heteronormative Supremacy,” in

            Connexions: Histories of Race and Sex in North America, ed. Jennifer Brier, Jim Downs, and Jennifer Morgan (Champaign: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2016), 59-81.

“Historical Landmarks and Landscapes of LGBTQ Law,” in LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History, ed. Megan Springate (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 2016), 1-47. Reprinted in Communities and Place: A Thematic Approach to the Histories of LGBTQ Communities in the United States, ed. Katherine Crawford-Lackey and Megan E. Springate (New York: Berghahn, 2020), 104-149.

“Sexual Rights and Wrongs: Teaching the U.S. Supreme Court’s Greatest Gay and Lesbian Hits,” in Understanding and Teaching U.S. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History, ed. Leila Rupp and Susan Freeman (Madison: Univ. Wisconsin Press, 2014), 238-53.

“Rizzo’s Raiders, Beaten Beats, and Coffeehouse Culture in 1950s Philadelphia,” in Modern American Queer History: Essays in Representation, Lived Experience, and Public Policy, ed. Allida M. Black (Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press, 2001), 155-80.

“‘Birthplace of the Nation’: Imagining Lesbian and Gay Communities in Philadelphia, 1969-70,” in Creating a Place for Ourselves, ed. B. Beemyn (New York: Routledge, 1997), 253-88.


Peer Reviewed Articles

“Students, Sodomy, and the State: LGBT Campus Struggles in the 1970s,” Law and Social Inquiry 48.2 (May 2023): 531–560 (published online Apr. 2022).

“Teaching and Researching the History of Sexual Politics at San Francisco State, 1969-1970,” California History 98.4 (Winter 2021): 2-29.

“Canada and Canadians in the U.S. Homophile Press,” Journal of Homosexuality 64.7 (Apr. 2017): 963-990.

“Introduction: U.S. Homophile Internationalism,” Journal of Homosexuality 64.7 (Apr. 2017): 843-849.

“The Future of LGBT Civil Rights History: New and Forthcoming Books in the Field,” Journal of Civil and Human Rights 1.2 (Fall/Winter 2015): 201-211.

“Canonizing Homophile Sexual Respectability: Archives, History, and Memory,” Radical History Review 120 (Fall 2014): 52-73.

“All the Immigrants Are Straight, All the Homosexuals Are Citizens, But Some of Us Are Queer Aliens: Genealogies of Legal Strategy in Boutilier v. INS,” Journal of American Ethnic History 29.4 (Summer 2010): 45-77.

“Crossing the Border to Memory: In Search of Clive Michael Boutilier (1933-2003),” torquere 6 (2004): 91-115 (published Nov. 2005).

Boutilier and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution,” Law and History Review 23.3 (Fall 2005): 491-536 (awarded Audre Lorde Prize).

“Theoretical Politics, Local Communities: The Making of U.S. LGBT Historiography,” GLQ 11.4 (2005): 605-25.

“Crossing Borders: Memories, Dreams, Fantasies, and Nightmares of the History Job Market.” Left History 9.2 (Spring/Summer 2004): 119-39.

“Sex Politics in the City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves,” Radical History Review 59 (Spring 1994): 60-92. Reprinted in Major Problems in the History of American Sexuality, ed. Kathy L. Peiss (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001), 431-43.



Queer London, Method Acting, and Time Travel” (Review of Matthew Houlbrooke, Queer London), English Language Notes 45.2 (Fall/Winter 2007): 179-81.

“Sexual States and National Insecurities” (Review of David Johnson, The Lavender Scare and

            Eithne Luibhéid, Entry Denied), Radical History Review 93 (Fall 2005): 277-84.

Peter Boag, Same-Sex Affairs, in Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Newsletter 18.1 (Spring/Summer 2004): 27-28.

Gary Atkins, Gay Seattle, in Journal of American History 91.1 (Jun. 2004): 331-32.

Lisa Duggan, Sapphic Slashers, in American Historical Review 109.2 (Apr. 2004): 540-41.

John Howard, Men Like That, in Journal of Social History (Winter 2001): 472-74.

Jeffrey Escoffier, American Homo, in Journal of the History of Sexuality 9.4 (Oct. 2000): 505-9.

George Chauncey, Gay New York, in Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Newsletter (Sept. 1994): 11-14.

Kevin White, The First Sexual Revolution, in Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Newsletter (Sept. 1993): 16-18.

Judith Bechtel and Robert Coughlin, Building the Beloved Community, in Southern Historian (Spring 1993): 131-32.

Henry Abelove, The Evangelist of Desire, in Gay Community News (GCN), 13 Oct. 1991, 7, 9.

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Epistemology of the Closet, in GCN, 7 July 1991, 7, 12.

David Halperin, One Hundred Years of Homosexuality, in GCN, 17 Aug. 1990, 7, 9.

Allan Berube, Coming Out Under Fire, in GCN, 22 July 1990, 7, 9, 12.

Larry Kramer, Reports from the Holocaust, in GCN, 28 May 1989, 8, 11.

“Facing AIDS: A Special Issue,” Radical America 20.6 (Sept. 1987), and “AIDS: Communities Respond,” Radical America 21.2-3 (May 1988), in Gay Community News, 4 Sept. 1988, 9, 12, 13.


Encyclopedia Entries

“The Stonewall Riots,” in SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, ed. Abbie Goldberg and Genny Beemyn (Los Angeles: Sage, 2021), 803-806.

“Gay and Lesbian Communities,” in Oxford Encyclopedia of American Social History, ed. Lynn Dumenil (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2012), vol. 1, p. 432-437.

“Gay Men’s Cultures in Cities” and “Queer Space,” in Encyclopedia of American Urban History, ed. David Goldfield (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2006), vol. 1, p. 297-299 and vol. 2, p. 633-35.

“African Americans,” “Class and Class Oppression,” “Coming Out and Outing,” “Gay Community News,” “Homophile Movement Demonstrations,” “Interracial and Interethnic Sex and Relationships,” “Janus Society,” “Clark Polak,” and “Police and Policing,” in Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in America, ed. Marc Stein (New York: Scribners, 2003), 1:10-16, 221-24, 252-55, 432-34, 2:56-58, 84-87, 93-95, 388-394.

Gay Community News,” in Gay Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia, ed. George E. Hagerty (New York: Garland, 2000), 369-70.

“Barbara Gittings,” in Lesbian Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia, ed. Bonnie Zimmerman (New York: Garland, 2000), 335.


Digital History Exhibits

“‘The World’s Most Arrested Lesbian’: Corona Rivera and the New York Gay Activists Alliance, 1970-1972,” Queer Pasts (Alexander St./ProQuest, Apr. 2024).

“Urvashi Vaid: The Vassar and Boston Years, 1975-83,” OutHistory, Dec. 2023,

“LGBT Direct Action Bibliography, Chronology, and Inventory, 1965-74,” OutHistory and Queer Pasts, Oct. 2023,

“LGBT Direct Action Bibliography, Chronology, and Inventory, 1965-73,” OutHistory and Queer Pasts, Mar. 2023,

“Introduction” and “Bucks County Community College,” “Out on Campus: A History of LGBTQ+ Activism at Pennsylvania Colleges and Universities,” Pennsylvania LGBT History Network, 2022,

 “Sodomites and Gender Transgressors in 1840s New York,” Queer Pasts (Alexander St./ProQuest, Nov. 2022).

“Power, Politics, and Race in the 1968 Philadelphia Study of Prison Sexual Violence,” Queer Pasts (Alexander St./ProQuest), Nov. 2021.

 “Documenting the Stonewall Riots: A Bibliography of Primary Sources,” 2019,

 “Boutilier v. Immigration and Naturalization Service (1967), OutHistory, 22 May 2017,

“Further Reading – Anonymous No More: John Fryer, Psychiatry, and the Fight for LGBT Equality,” Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 2016,

“U.S. Homophile Internationalism: Archive and Exhibit,” OutHistory, Dec. 2015,

“Annual Reminders in Philadelphia, July 4, 1965-July 4, 1969,” OutHistory, 23 Jun. 2015,

“Dewey’s Sit-In in Philadelphia, 1965,” OutHistory, 20 Apr. 2015,

“Philadelphia LGBT History Project,” OutHistory, Jan. 2010; revised Sep. 2013, Nov. 2014, and July 2016,


Other Publications

“Grading Cal State Tenure Density,” Academe Blog, 24 Aug. 2023,

“The End of Faculty Tenure and the Transformation of Higher Education,” Academe, Winter 2023,

“Out on Campus: A Collaborative Project on Pennsylvania LGBTQ+ History,” Perspectives on History, Dec. 2022,

“Out on Campus: An Interview with Curator Barry Loveland,” History@ Work, 2 and 6 December 2022, and

“Historicizing Historians: Debating Gay Studies in the 1970s,” Perspectives on History, Oct. 2022, 23-25,

“The End of Faculty Tenure,” Inside Higher Ed, 25 Apr. 2022,

“Bringing Queer History to the Public,” History News Network, 17 April 2022,

“Punish the Voting Rights Villains,” Public Seminar, 26 May 2021,

“When A Boycott Blocks Queer Research,” Public Seminar, 18 May 2021,

“‘Where Perversion is Taught’: The Untold History of a Gay Rights Demonstration at Bucks County Community College in 1968,” OutHistory, 13 Apr. 2021,

“Recalling Purple Hands Protests of 1969,” Bay Area Reporter, 31 Oct. 2019, 4-5,

“Stonewall and Queens,” From the Square: NYU Press Blog, 9 Aug. 2019,

“Queer Rage: Police Violence and the Stonewall Rebellion of 1969,” Process: A Blog for American History, 3 June 2019,

“A Theory of Revolution for the Riots,” The Gay & Lesbian Review, May 2019, 19-20.

“50 Years Ago the US Supreme Court Upheld the Deportation of ‘Homosexuals’ As ‘Psychopaths,’” History News Network, 22 May 2017,

“Queering Immigration in the Age of Trump: A Roundtable on Boutilier v. INS,” Notches, 22 May 2017,

“Immigration Is a Queer Issue: From Fleuti to Trump,” UNC Press Blog, 24 Feb. 2017,

“Political History and the History of Sexuality,” Perspectives on History, Jan. 2017, 17-21,

“North Carolina’s Brutal Tradition of Sexual and Gender Discrimination,” History News Network, 4 Apr. 2016,

“Jonathan Ned Katz Murdered Me: History and Suicide,” Process: A Blog for American History, 8 Mar. 2016,

“The Supreme Court Nomination and the Politics of Checks and Balances,” AHA Today, 29 Feb. 2016,

“Monica, Bill, History, and Sex,” Active History, 13 Nov. 2015,

“Did You Know California Requires Professors to Sign A Loyalty Oath,” History News Network, 13 Sep. 2015,

“Refreshing Abominations: An Open Letter to Anthony Kennedy,” Outhistory, 4 May 2015,

“Happy Anniversary to the Dewey’s Sit-In,” Bay Area Reporter, 23 April 2015,

“The First Gay Sit-In Happened Fifty Years Ago,” History News Network, 6 Apr. 2015,

“Sexual Politics in the Era of Reagan and Thatcher: Marc Stein in Conversation with Jeffrey Weeks,” Notches, 10 Feb. 2015,

Contributor, Making the Framework FAIR: California History-Social Science Framework Proposed LGBT Revisions, by Don Romesburg, Leila J. Rupp, David Donahue (San Francisco: Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History, 2014).

“Heterosexuality in America: Fifty Years and Counting,” Notches, 22 July 2014,

“Sotomayor v. Roberts: Race, Affirmative Action, and Impatience,” UNC Press Blog, 8 July 2014,

“The Long Struggle to Stop Employment Discrimination Against LGBT People Is Even Longer Than You Think,” History News Network, 23 Jun. 2014,

“Memories of the 1987 March on Washington,” Aug. 2013,,

“Five Myths about Roe v. Wade,” UNC Press Blog, 22 Jan. 2013,

“Justice Kennedy and the Future of Same-Sex Marriage,” UNC Press Blog, 8 Nov. 2010,

“Gay Rights and the Supreme Court: The Early Years,” UNC Press Blog, 4 Oct. 2010,

“Fifty Years of LGBT Movement Activism in Philadelphia,” Philadelphia Gay News, 30 Sep. 2010, activism-in-Philadelphia

“In My Wildest Dreams: The Marriage That Dare Not Speak Its Name,” History News Network, 4 Jan. 2010,

“The U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Counter-Revolution,” Organization of American Historians

            Magazine of History 20, no. 2 (Mar. 2006): 21-25.

“Post-Tenure Lavender Blues,” History News Network, 7 Jan. 2006,

“Did the FBI Try to Blackmail Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas,” History News Network, 18 July 2005,

“Recalling Dewey’s Sit-In,” Philadelphia Gay News, 29 Apr. 2005, 10, 22-23. Reprinted as “The First Gay Sit-In,” History News Network, 9 May 2005,

“If W Had Written the Declaration of Independence,” History News Network, 1 Nov. 2004,


“Mr. President: I’m Glad You Called,” History News Network, 8 Mar. 2004,

“Forgetting and Remembering a Deported Alien,” History News Network, 3 Nov. 2003,

“Balancing LGBTQ Student Services and LGBTQ Studies,” Up and Out: The Newsletter of

            PennGALA, Mar. 2002, 2-3.

“Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Survey on LGBTQ History Careers,” June 2001,


“Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Survey on LGBTQ History Careers,” Perspectives 39, no. 5 (May 2001): 29-31,

 “Modern History,” Au Courant, Philadelphia, Oct. 1995, 11, 18, 21.

“Looking at Philadelphia’s History of Gay Pride,” Au Courant, 31 Jan. 1995, 8.

“Approaching Stonewall From the City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves,” Gay Community News, June 1994, 14-15, 30.

“Coming Out and Going Public: A History of Lesbians and Gay Men in Philadelphia,” Pride ‘93

Program (Philadelphia: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Pride of the Delaware Valley, 1993), 11-19.

“British Gay Left,” An Interview with Jeffrey Weeks, Gay Community News, 30 Oct. 1988, 8-9.


Conference/Workshop Panels and Presentations

“Digital Dilemmas: Presenting Lesbian and Transwomen’s History on Queer Pasts,” Queer History Conference, Fullerton, June 2024.

Dobbs and the Future,” American Historical Assoc., Jan. 2024.

Queer Pasts and Digital Archives,” American Historical Assoc., Jan. 2024.

“Cruel and Unusual Punishment for a Trans Sex Worker: Perkins v. North Carolina (1964),” Constitution Day Conf., San Francisco State Univ., Sep. 2023.

“Out on Campus: A History of LGBTQ+ Activism at Pennsylvania Colleges and Universities,” American Historical Association, Philadelphia, Jan. 2023.

“From Marital to Reproductive Rights: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Eisenstadt v. Baird,” Constitution Day Conf., San Francisco State Univ., Sep. 2022.

“Roundtable on Queer Pasts,” Queer History Conf., San Francisco, June 2022.

“Queer Pasts: A New Approach to Archives and Diversity,” Charleston Library Conf., Charleston, Nov. 2021.

“Power, Politics, and Race in the 1968 Philadelphia Study of Prison Sexual Violence,” Constitution Day Conference, San Francisco State Univ., Sep. 2021.

“Women and Social Movements in the United States,” Organization of American Historians, Chicago, Apr. 2021.

Roundtable on Heterosexual Histories, Univ. Delaware, March 2001.

“Students, Sodomy, and the State: LGBT Campus Struggles in the 1970s,” History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Seminar, Mass. Historical Society, Oct. 2020.

Chair and Panelist, “Disability, Race, and Suffrage,” Constitution Day Conference, San Francisco State Univ., Sep. 2020.

“Heterosexual Inversions: Satire, Parody, and Comedy in the 1950s and 1960s,” American Historical Assoc., Jan. 2020.

“California and the Stonewall Riots,” Queer History Conference, San Francisco, June 2019.

Moderator and Presenter, “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Philadelphia’s Queer Past,” Organization of American Historians, Philadelphia, Apr. 2019.

“Students, Sodomy, and the State: LGBT Campus Struggles in the 1970s,” Rights and Wrongs: A Constitution Day Conference at SF State, Sep. 2018.

“Remembering the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights,” Finding the Queer Radical Past Conference, Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst, Feb. 2018.

“Intersectional Perspectives on Boutilier v. Immigration and Naturalization Service,” Rights and Wrongs: A Constitution Day Conference at SF State,” Sep. 2017.

Moderator and Presenter, “U.S. Homophile Internationalism,” Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities, Hempstead, NY, June 2017.

Chair and Panelist, “Roundtable on Constitutional Law and the Presidential Election,” Rights and Wrongs: A Constitution Day Conference at SF State, Sep. 2016.

“Compton’s and the Rise of Trans Activism,” Howard Grayson LGBT Elder Life Conference, San Francisco, May 2016.

“U.S. Homophile Internationalism: An Online Archive and Exhibit of the 1950s and 1960s,” Gay American History @ 40 Conference, New York City, May 2016.

“Law as Archive” Roundtable, American Studies Assoc., Toronto, Oct. 2015.

“Sex with Neighbors: Canada and Canadians in the ‘U.S.’ Homophile Press,” Sexuality Studies Assoc., St. Catharines (Ontario), May 2014; American Historical Assoc., Washington, D.C., Jan. 2014.

“Size Matters: Power and Politics in the 1968 Philadelphia Study of Prison Sexual Violence,” New Directions in US Studies, York Univ., Oct. 2013; Sex Talk@York II, York Univ., May 2013.

“Conversations with David Rayside about Sex, Law, and Politics in Canada and the United States,” Contemporary Currents in Sexual Diversity Politics: A Symposium in Honor of David Rayside, Univ. Toronto, Mar. 2013.

“Progress Report for the AHA’s LGBTQ Historians Task Force,” American Historical Assoc., Boston, Jan. 2011.

“Encountering the Past, Present, and Future of Same-Sex Marriage,” and Chair, “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave: Same-Sex Marriage in Canada,” American Historical Assoc., San Diego, Jan. 2010.

“Race, Class, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Doctrine of Heteronormative Supremacy,” Connexions: A Working Conference on Race and Sex in North America,” New York Univ., Nov. 2008.

“Jonathan Ned Katz Murdered Me: History and Suicide,” Organization of American Historians, New York, Mar. 2008.

“Defending a Psychopathic Gay Alien: Genealogies of Legal Strategy in Boutilier v. the INS,” Committee on Lesbian and Gay History/American Historical Assoc., Washington, D.C., Jan. 2008; Sex Talk Conference, York Univ., Apr. 2007.

“The Future of LGBT, Queer, and Sexuality Studies,” Yale Univ., Nov. 2007.

“New Directions in U.S. and Canadian LGBT Urban History,” Canadian Historical Assoc., Toronto, May 2006.

“Post-Tenure Lavender Blues,” American Historical Assoc., Philadelphia, Jan. 2006.

“The Queering of Lesbian/Gay Legal History,” Queer Matters Conference, Kings College London, May 2004; Organization of American Historians, Boston, Apr. 2004.

“New Directions in the History of North American Sexualities,” Endnote Address, Symposium on North American Sexualities, Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst, Apr. 2004.   

“State of the Field: History of Sexuality,” Organization of American Historians, Boston, Apr. 2004.

“Securing the National Body: A Roundtable on Cold War Immigration Policy,” American Studies Assoc., Hartford, Oct. 2003.

“Inventing Rights and Wrongs: Rulings, Reception, and Revolution on the U.S. Supreme Court, 1965-1973,” Sexual Worlds, Political Cultures Conference, Social Science Research Council, Washington, D.C., Oct. 2003; Canadian Lesbian and Gay Studies Assoc. Conference,” Halifax, June 2003; The 1950s and 1960s in North America Conference, Wesleyan Univ., Apr. 2003.

“Sexuality Studies: The Academic Stakes,” Hearts and Minds: Sexuality and Education Conference, Univ. Toronto, Mar. 2003.

“Inventing Sexual Rights and Wrongs: Media Responses to U.S. Supreme Court Rulings, 1965-1973,” American Historical Assoc., San Francisco, Jan. 2002.

“Policing Borders: Boutilier and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution, 1965‑1973,” Canadian Assoc. for American Studies, Toronto, Oct. 2001.

“Roundtable: From San Fran to Philly, Toronto to Buffalo, and Points South: A Conversation on the Future of the Queer Community History,” The Future of the Queer Past Conference, Univ. Chicago, Sept. 2000.

“Monica, Bill, History, and Sex,” Historians and Their Audiences Conference, York Univ., Apr. 2000.

“The U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution? 1965-1973,” Organization of American Historians, St. Louis, Apr. 2000; American Studies Assoc., Montreal, Oct. 1999.

“The Future of the Committee on Lesbian and Gay History,” Committee on Lesbian and Gay

            History/American Historical Assoc., Chicago, Jan. 2000.

“Courting Respectability in the Sexual Revolution, 1965-1973,” American Society for Legal History, Toronto, Oct. 1999.

“Roundtable - Sexuality and the State: The Scholar as Activist,” Organization of American Historians, Toronto, Apr. 1999.

“City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves,” Conference to Celebrate 25 Years of Women’s Studies at

            the University of Pennsylvania, Univ. Pennsylvania, Sept. 1998.

“Your Place or Mine?: Lesbian and Gay Geographies in Postwar Philadelphia History,” Pennsylvania History Assoc., Philadelphia, Nov. 1997; American Historical Assoc., New York, Jan. 1997.

“‘Philadelphia Freedom’: Lesbian and Gay Patriots, Protesters, and Profiteers at the Bicentennial,” Organization of American Historians, San Francisco, Apr. 1997.

“The Politics of Lesbian History: Social Movements, Everyday Resistance, and Community Culture in Philadelphia,” American Historical Assoc., Atlanta, Jan. 1996; American Studies Assoc., Pittsburgh, Nov. 1995.

“‘Men in Beards, Girls in Tights’: Rizzo’s Raiders, Beaten Beats, and Coffeehouse Culture in 1950s Philadelphia,” Symposium on Sexuality Studies, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Oct. 1995; Popular Culture Assoc., Philadelphia, Apr. 1995.

“Birthplace of the Nation: Lesbian and Gay Politics at the Black Panthers’ Revolutionary People’s Constitutional Convention, 1970,” Black Nations/Queer Nations Conference, City Univ. New York, Mar. 1995.

“Writing Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community Histories” and “Birthplace of a Nation: Sex, Race, and Nationalism in Philadelphia After Stonewall, 1969-70,” North American Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Studies Conference, Univ. Iowa, Iowa City, Nov. 1994.

“Gender Politics and the Lesbian/Gay Movement: The View from 1960s Philadelphia,” American Historical Assoc., San Francisco, Jan. 1994.

Boutilier Revisited: Lesbian/Gay Law Reform and the Limits of Sexual Liberalism on the Warren Court,” American Society for Legal History, Memphis, Oct. 1993.

“Sex Politics and the Lesbian/Gay Movement: Cooperation and Conflict in 1960s Philadelphia,”

            Toward a History of the 1960s Conference, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison, Apr. 1993.

“Roundtable on Gay and Lesbian History,” Organization of American Historians, Anaheim, Apr. 1993.

“Politics, Histories, and Theories of Lesbian/Gay Heterosociality,” Graduate Student Conference on Lesbian and Gay Studies, Univ. Illinois-Champaign/Urbana, Apr. 1992.

“Gore Vidal’s Butch Boys: Sex, Gender, Sexuality, and Race in The Cit[ies] and the Pillar[s],”

            Graduate Student Conference on Lesbian and Gay Studies, Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Apr. 1991.

“Lesbian and Gay History as Political Alliance-Building,” National Graduate Women’s Studies

            Conference, Univ. Pennsylvania, Feb. 1990.


Invited Academic Lectures and Presentations

“Master Class: The History of Pride,” Rutgers University, Camden, June 2023.

“Out On Campus: How Bucks Students Made Gay Rights History,” Bucks County Community College, May 2023.

“Students, Sodomy, and the State: LGBT Campus Struggles in the 1970s,” Lafayette College, Mar. 2023; California State Univ.-Channel Islands, Oct. 2022; Univ. Toronto, Apr. 2018; Franklin and Marshall College, Oct. 2017; Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Oct. 2016.

“Queer Public History,” University of California, Santa Barbara, Mar. 2023; California State Univ.-East Bay, Oct. 2022.

“LGBT Direct Action Bibliography, Chronology, and Inventory, 1965-73,” University of California, Santa Barbara, Mar. 2023.

“What’s Happening to Tenure?” American Association for University Professors, Feb. 2023.

“Queer Transformations at San Francisco State, 1969-1972,” Labor Archives Research Center, San Francisco State Univ., Oct. 2022.

“Bucks Looks Back: Gay Rights History Made Here,” Bucks County Community College, May 2022.

“Historicizing Stonewall,” Univ. Edinburgh, Feb. 2022.

“California and the Stonewall Riots,” California State Univ.-Stanislau, Oct. 2019; Sonoma State Univ., Feb. 2019.

“Historicizing Stonewall: Riots, Resistance, and Revolution,” Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, New York City, June 2019.

Keynote: “Historicizing Stonewall: Riots, Resistance, and Revolution,” Stonewall at 50 and Beyond Conference, Univ. Paris Est Créteil, France, June 2019.

“Philadelphia Freedom: Gay Patriots, Protesters, and Profiteers at the U.S. Bicentennial,” Bryn Mawr College, Oct. 2017; San Francisco State Univ. LGBTQ Studies Series, April 2016.

“Historical Perspectives on U.S. LGBT Rights and Freedoms,” National Defense Univ. International Fellows Program, GLBT History Museum (San Francisco), Feb. 2017; Feb. 2016.

“Sex with Neighbors: Canada and Canadians in the ‘U.S.’ Homophile Press,” Simon Fraser Univ., Jan. 2015; Univ. Massachusetts at Amherst, Nov. 2013.

“Canonizing Homophile Sexual Respectability: Archives, History, and Memory,” Library Company of Philadelphia and Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Oct. 2014.

“Rethinking the Gay and Lesbian Movement: Historical Perspectives,” Mark Gordon Lecture, LGBT Center, Univ. Pennsylvania, Oct. 2014; History Dept., York Univ., Jan. 2013; Ohio Univ., Oct. 2012; Ohio State Univ., Oct. 2012.

“Autobiographical Reflections on Historical Studies,” Graduate Seminar Series, Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies, York Univ., Oct. 2013.

“Exclusivity and Homogeneity in York’s Inclusivity and Diversity Survey,” Workshop on Queer and Trans Academics, York Univ. Faculty Assoc. Queer Caucus, Apr. 2013.

Endnote: “‘We Demand’: A Conference Snapshot,” “We Demand”: History/Sex/Activism in Canada Conference, Vancouver, Aug. 2011.

“The U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution? Sex, Marriage, and Reproduction from Griswold to Roe,” Centre for the Study of the United States, Univ. Toronto, Jan. 2011; Research Matters, York Univ., Nov. 2010; Univ. Maine–Orono, Oct. 2010; Colby College, Oct. 2010; Graduate Program in Women’s Studies, York Univ., Feb. 2009; Sexualities Workshop, York Univ., Nov. 2005; Temple Univ., Oct. 2004; Univ. California, Santa Barbara, Feb. 2004; Univ. Maine-Orono, Feb. 2004; Duke Univ., Feb. 2002; American Bar Foundation, Oct. 2001; American History Faculty Seminar, York Univ., Oct. 2001; Case Western Reserve Univ., Oct. 2001; Queen’s Univ., Mar. 2001; Univ. Missouri-Columbia Law School, Apr. 2000; Franklin and Marshall College, Apr. 1999.

“LGBT History’s Successes and Failures,” Historian’s Craft, Graduate Program in History, York Univ., Mar. 2010.

Keynote: “Rethinking the Gay and Lesbian Movement,” St. Mary’s College Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Colloquium, St. Mary’s City, Maryland, Mar. 2010.

Plenary Speaker: “Inventing Rights and Wrongs: Rulings, Reception, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution,” Schlesinger Library Summer Seminar on Gender History–“Sequels to the 1960s,” Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, June 2008.

“The Cultural Turn,” Department of History Research Series, York Univ., Feb. 2008.

“Inventing Rights and Wrongs: Rulings, Reception, and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution,” Rutgers Univ., Dec. 2005; Colby College, Mar. 2004.

“Sexual Freedom v. LGBT Civil Rights: Activism, Archives, and Academia,” LGBT Center, Univ. Pennsylvania, Oct. 2004.

“Communities of Desire: The Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Queer History,” Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Mar. 2002.

“Scholarship, Teaching, Activism, and Lived Experience,” Out at York Symposium, York Univ., Feb. 2002.

“Writing the Lesbian and Gay City,” Univ. Toronto, May 2001.

“The Queering of Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay History,” Swarthmore College, Mar. 2001.

“Philadelphia Gay Sex Radicals and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution, 1965-1973,”

            Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Academic Union, Univ. Pennsylvania, Dec. 2000.

“City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves,” Univ. Missouri-Columbia, Apr. 2000; Univ. Toronto, Sept. 1999.

Keynote: “Crossing Borders: Memories, Dreams, Fantasies, and Nightmares of the History Job Market,” New Frontiers Conference, York Univ., Apr. 1999.

“From Independence Hall to the Black Panthers’ Constitutional Convention: Nationalisms in Gay, Lesbian, and Black Politics, 1969-1970,” Beloit College, Feb. 1999.

“Your Place or Mine?: Lesbian and Gay Geographies in Postwar Philadelphia History,” Harvard Univ., Nov. 1997; Florida International Univ./Univ. Miami/Wolfsonian Museum, Mar. 1997; Women’s Studies Colloquium, Colby College, Oct. 1996.

“‘Birthplace of the Nation’: Imagining Lesbian and Gay Communities in Philadelphia, 1969-70,”

            Wesleyan Univ., Apr. 1997; Mellon Seminar in the Humanities, Bryn Mawr College, Nov. 1995.

“Lesbian and Gay Politics in the City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves, 1960-69,” Lafayette College, Apr. 1997.

“The City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves,” Cincinnati Seminar on the City, Apr. 1996; Philadelphia Lesbian/Gay Academic Union, Dec. 1992.

“Lesbian and Gay Neighborhood Development in Postwar Philadelphia,” Univ. Pennsylvania Urban Studies Workshop, Dec. 1995.

“Birthplace of a Nation: Sex, Race, and Nationalism in Philadelphia After Stonewall, 1969-70,”

            Gay and Lesbian Studies Workshop, Univ. Chicago, Jan. 1995.


Community-Based Lectures, Presentations, Readings, and Interviews

“‘The Most Arrested Lesbian in America: Corona Rivera and the New York Gay Activists Alliance, 1970-72’: An Interview with Marc Stein,” Gotham: A Blog for Scholars of New York City History, 5 June 2024,

“From Stonewall to Today: LGBTQ+ Moments of Resilience,” 28 June 2023,

“Historicizing Stonewall,” Bath & Body Works LGBT Inclusion Resource Group, June 2023.

Andrew Rimby, “Marc Stein’s Climb to Queer Public History,” Ivory Tower Boiling Room, 10 Apr. 2023,

Katie Uva, “Sodomites and Gender Trangressors: An Interview with Marc Stein,” Gotham: A Blog for Scholars of New York City History, 1 Mar. 2023,

“Queer Public History: A Discussion with Marc Stein,” Georgia LGBTQ History Project, Feb. 2023.

“Queer Public History: A Conversation with Abby Schrader,” Giovanni’s Room Bookstore, Philadelphia, Jan. 2023.

“Queer Transformations at San Francisco State, 1969-1972,” San Francisco Public Library Hormel Center, June 2022.

Pride Roundtable, GrupoBimbo, June 2022.

Claire Potter, “How to Become a Queer Historian,” Public Seminar, 1 June 2022,

“From Stonewall to Pride,” Covariant, Emeryville, CA, 24 June 2021.

“Sarah Schulman in Conversation with Marc Stein,” City Lights Bookstore, 24 May 2021.

“The LGBT Stonewall Tipping Point, Wondros Podcast, 19 May 2021,

“From Stonewall to Pride,” Our Family Coalition and ONE Archives Foundation, 4 May 2021.

“Il Cammino del Movimento LGBT dai Moti di Stonewall ad Oggi,” Progetto Gionata: Portales u Fede ed Omosessualita,, 15 November 2020.

“The Aftermath: Stonewall Riots,” The Alarmist, 2 July 2020,

“Q&A with Marc Stein, Author of The Stonewall Riots,” From the Square: NYU Press Blog, 30 June 2020.

“Discipline, Punish, and Protest,” Queering the Quarantine, John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives, William Way LGBT Community Center, Philadelphia, 11 May 2020.

The California Century (Episodes 1, 5, 7, 8), prod. Laurence Grissell, BBC Radio, Mar. 2020.

“All Sides with Ann Fisher,” WOSU, Columbus, 21 Oct. 2019.

The Stonewall Riots, Dog Eared Books, San Francisco, 2 Oct. 2019.

“Toward a Theory of the Gay Revolution,” GLBT History Museum, San Francisco, 19 Sep. 2019.

Gregg Bossen, “Alternative Perspectives,” WDRG, Atlanta, 20 Aug. 2019.

“Historicizing Stonewall: Riots, Resistance, and Revolution,” Stonewall National Museum & Archives, 13 Aug. 2019.

Stephen Colbrook, New Books Network, 12 July 2019.

Heather McCoy, “Heather McCoy Show,” KBOO, Portland (OR), 11 July 2019.

Gregg Bossen, “Alternative Perspectives,” WDRG, Atlanta, 2 July 2019.

France 24 (TV) Paris, France, 28 June 2019.

Michaelangelo Signorile, The Michaelangelo Signorile Show, Sirius XM Radio, New York City, 28 June 2019.

Claire Potter, “Kicking and Screaming: Stonewall at 50,” Exiles on 12th Street, 28 June 2019.

Mina Kim, “San Francisco and LGBTQ Pride,” Forum, KQED, San Francisco, 27 June 2019.

“California’s ‘Gay Revolution’ in the Stonewall Era,” California Historical Society, 25 June 2019.

Brian Bromberger, “Pride 2019: Book Offers Many Layers to the Stonewall Story,” Bay Area Reporter, 25 June 2019.

Tobin Low and Kathy Tu, “What Do We Have in Common?” Nancy, WNYC, New York, 24 June 2019.

Mitch Jeserich, “A History of the Stonewall Riots,” Letters and Politics, KPFA, Berkeley, California, 24 June 2019.

Nico Wisler, “A Footnote Not To Be Forgotten,” Queer the Table, Heritage Radio Network, 24 June 2019.

Steve Scully, “Stonewall Riots 50th Anniversary,” American History TV, C-SPAN, New York City, 23 June 2019.

Brian Lehrer, “Prejudice and Price: Oral History from Stonewall 1969,” Brian Lehrer Show, WNYC, New York City, 21 June 2019.

Alison Stewart, “Stonewall Histories,” All of It, WNYC, New York City, 14 June 2019.

Katie Uva, “A Documentary History of Stonewall: An Interview with Marc Stein,” Gotham: A Blog for Scholars of New York City History, 13 June 2019.

Shai Ben-Yaacov and Annette John-Hall, “Before Stonewall and Pride, Philly Staged LGBTQ Protests,” The Why, WHYY, Philadelphia, 5 June 2019.

Ilona Westfall, “Lessons Learned,” Prizm, June 2019, 3.

Lexi Adsit, “Stonewall at 50: A Major Anniversary Offers Opportunity for New Historical Perspectives,” History Happens: GLBT Historical Society, June 2019.

“California and the Stonewall Riots,” GLBT History Museum, San Francisco, May 2019.

The Stonewall Riots, Giovanni’s Room, Philadelphia, Apr. 2019.

“Queering the Bicentennial: Patriots, Protesters, Pornographers, and Profiteers,” John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives, William Way LGBT Community Center, Philadelphia, Apr. 2019.

“Philadelphia LGBT History Primary Sources,” John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives, William Way LGBT Community Center, Philadelphia, Oct. 2017.

Callie Hitchcock, Lesbian Testimony Podcast, Archives of Lesbian Oral Testimony, Oct. 2017.

“Philadelphia Freedom: Gay Patriots, Protesters, and Profiteers at the U.S. Bicentennial,” GLBT Historical Society Museum, July 2016.

Gerard Koskovich, History Happens: News from the GLBT Historical Society, June 2016.

Gay Pioneers Screening and Panel Discussion, National LGBT 50th Anniversary Celebration, Equality Forum and WHYY, Philadelphia, 3 July 2015.

Lee Airton, Queer SIGnpost (Queer Studies: A Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Assoc.), Apr. 2014, 7-8.

“Pride and Shame at York,” Flag-Raising Ceremony for York@Pride, Jun. 2013.

Bryen Dunn, “Sex City” (Toronto), CIUT, 19 Feb. 2011.

Matthew Galloway, “Here and Now” (Toronto), CBC Radio, 20 Apr. 2007.

Brandon Lausch, “60 Seconds,” Metro (Philadelphia), 11 Oct. 2004, 17.

J. Cooper Robb, “Clear Eye,” Philadelphia Weekly, 6-12 Oct. 2004, 44.

City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves, Barnes and Noble, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania; Border’s, Center City, Philadelphia; Outfest, Philadelphia; Collingswood, New Jersey, Book Fair; Giovanni’s Room, Philadelphia, Oct. 2004.

Karl Helicher, Book Chat, UMGA-TV, Upper Merion, Pennsylvania, Oct. 2004.

Madeline Winterfalcoln, “Queertalk,” WMPG (radio), Portland, Maine, 7 July 2004.

Bethany Gendron, “Out and in Focus,” Outlines, Philadelphia, Dec. 2001.

Glenn Holsten, producer, “Gay Pioneers,” WHYY (TV), Philadelphia, 2001.

“Out in the Worplace” Workshop, Univ. Pennsylvania, February 2001.

Elisa Kukla, “Comfort and Joy,” Xtra!, Toronto, 14 Dec. 2000, 15.

Jeff Maskovsky, “From the Left,” DUTV, Philadelphia, Dec. 2000.

Ashok Gangadean, “Philly Live,” WYBE TV, Philadelphia, Dec. 2000.

“The Annual Reminder,” Pridefest America National History Project, Philadelphia, May 2000.

Kevin Riordan, “Spanning the Differences,” Camden Courier-Post, 22 May 2000, C1, C2.

Christopher King, “Marc Stein: The Pride of Philadelphia,” Philadelphia Weekly, 3 May 2000, 81.

City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves, Giovanni’s Room Bookstore and Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Academic Union, Philadelphia, Apr. 2000.

Kevin Riordan, “Book Chronicles Phila. Movement,” Philadelphia Gay News, 28 Apr. 2000, 1, 14, 18.

“Perverts and the Philadelphia Press,” Lesbian/Gay Library and Archives of Philadelphia, Oct. 1995.

Jeaninne DeLombard, “20 Questions,” Philadelphia City Paper, 27 Oct. 1995, 13.

“Lesbian and Gay History in the City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves,” Lambda Grads, Univ. Pennsylvania, 1994.

“Pornography, Politics, and Pleasure in the City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves,” Giovanni’s Room Bookstore, Philadelphia, Nov. 1993.

“The Radnor Raid and the Origins of Lesbian/Gay Politics in Greater Philadelphia,” Lesbian/Gay Library and Archives of Philadelphia, Oct. 1993.

Victoria Brownworth, “Chronicling the History of Philly’s Gay Movement,” Philadelphia Gay News, 11 Jun. 1993, 44-45.


Editorial/Advisory Positions

Coeditor, Queer Pasts, Alexander Street/Proquest, 2020-.

Advisory Board Member, Mapping the Gay Guides, 2020-.

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Civil and Human Rights, 2014-.

Editorial Board Member, Justice, Power, and Politics Series, ed. Heather Thompson and Rhonda Williams, Univ. North Carolina Press, 2011-.

Contributing Editor, OutHistory (New York), 2017-22.

National Advisory Council Member, GLBT Historical Society, San Francisco, 2017-2019

Editorial Board Member, H-Urban, 2004-2008.

Coordinating Editor and Board Director, Gay Community News, Boston, 1987-89.


Offices and Affiliations in Professional Organizations

Vice President, Organization of American Historians, 2024-27.

Executive Board and Executive Committee, Organization of American Historians, 2024-27.

Director, OutHistory, 2023-.

Member, John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives Advisory Committee at the William Way LGBT Community Center (Philadelphia), 2015-.

Fellow, Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies, Univ. Toronto, 2005-.

Chair, Prize Committee, Committee on LGBT History, 2009-10, 2021.

Member, Board of Directors, GLBT Historical Society (SF), 2016-19 (Vice Chair, 2019).

Member, Organization of American Historians Committee on the Status of LGBTQ Historians and Histories, 2013-16 (Chair, 2013-15).

Member, Reminder 2015 Advisory Board, William Way Comm. Center, Philadelphia, 2013-15.

Member, LGBTQ Historians Task Force of the American Historical Assoc., 2009-15.

Member, Working Group on GLBT History, Organization of American Historians, 2011-12.

Member, Advisory Board, OutHistory (New York), 2008-10.

Member, Michael Lynch Grant Selection Committee, Toronto Centre for Lesbian and Gay Studies, 2001, 2002.

Chair, Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, 2000-03.

Board Director, Institute of Social Medicine and Community Health, Philadelphia, 1995-98.

Member, Prize Committee, Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, 1994-95.


Consulting Work

“Out on Campus: A History of LGBTQ+ Activism at Pennsylvania Colleges and Universities,” Pennsylvania LGBT History Network, 2022.

“The Ongoing Revolution,” Temple Contemporary, 2020-21.

“Archives of Sexuality & Gender, Part II,” Cengage Learning, 2016.


Conference Organization

Coordinator, “Rights and Wrongs: A Constitution Day Conference at SF State,” San Francisco, Sep. 2015-19, 2021-24.

Coordinator, Committee on the Status of LGBTQ Historians and Histories Program, Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Apr. 2014-15.

Member, Local Arrangements Committee, Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Univ. Toronto, May 2014.

Member, Conference Planning Committee, Sex, Empire, and Literature in the Anglo-American World, 1700-2020: Henry Abelove and ‘The Gay Science,’ New York Univ., Feb. 2012.

Organizer, Sex Talk: Sexuality Studies Research at York, Toronto, Apr. 2007.

Member, Canadian Historical Assoc. Conference Program Committee, Toronto, May 2006.

Member, Advisory Committee, Trans/Equity Conference, Center for Feminist Research, York Univ., Apr. 2006.

Coordinator, Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Program, American Historical Assoc. Annual Meeting, Jan. 2001-03.

Member, Bent on Change Conference Steering and Program Committee, Toronto, 2000, 2002.


Reviews of Programs, Manuscripts, Proposals, Etc.

Academic Programs: Sexual Diversity Studies, Univ. Toronto.

Book Manuscripts, Proposals, and Series: Blackwell, Cambridge U. Press, Canadian Scholars’ Press, Columbia U. Press, Routledge, Temple U. Press, U. California Press, U. Chicago Press, U. Georgia Press, U. North Carolina Press, U. Wisconsin Press.

Journal Article Manuscripts: American Review of Canadian Studies, California History, Feminist Studies, Gender and History, GLQ, Histoire Sociale –Social History, Journal of American History, Journal of American Studies, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, Journal of Civil and Human Rights, Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Journal of the History of Sexuality, Journal of Urban History, Law and History Review, Law, Culture, and the Humanities, Law and Social Inquiry, Left History, Modern Intellectual History; Sexuality Research and Social Policy, Transformations, Urban History

Miscellaneous: American Academy in Berlin; Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia; International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences; National Endowment for the Humanities; National Park Service; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Women and Social Movements.


Tenure and Promotion Reviews (External)

            Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor: 14 (2008-24)

            Promotion to and Appointment as Full Professor: 9 (2012-24)


Funding/Research Grants

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant, “U.S. Perspectives on Canadian Sexual Politics: Historical Case Studies,” 2014-16.

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Research Release Program, York Univ., “U.S. Perspectives on Canadian Sexual Politics: Historical Case Studies,” 2013-14.

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Minor Research Grant, York Univ., “Philadelphia LGBT Oral History Project,” 2013.

York Univ. Sabbatical Fellowship, “Rethinking the U.S. Gay and Lesbian Movement,” 2010-11.

York Univ. Faculty Assoc. Research Development Fellowship, “The U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution? 1965-1973,” 2007-2008.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conference Travel Grant, “The Queering of Lesbian/Gay Legal History,” 2004.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant, “The  U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution?  1965-1973,” 2001-2005.

Faculty of Arts Research Grant, York Univ., “The U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution? 1965-1973,” 2000.

Littleton-Griswold Grant for Legal History, American Historical Assoc., “The City of  Sisterly and Brotherly Loves,” 1993.


Teaching – Undergraduate


San Francisco State University

History 471: U.S. Constitution since 1877/1896, 2015-17, 2019-20, 2023-24.

History 470: U.S. Constitution to 1877/1896, 2014-19, 2021-23.

History 485: U.S. History of Sexuality since 1900, 2019, 2022.

History 472: Supreme Court and Social Change in U.S. History, 2022.

History 696: Political Movements in U.S. History, 2021.

History 475: U.S. History of Sexuality to 1900, 2018, 2020.

History 642: Gender, Sexuality, and Law, 2015-16.

History 428: U.S. after 1945, 2015.

History 642: Race and Law, 2014.


York University

History 1076, Gender and Sexuality in North American History, 2012-13.

History 3625, Constitutional Law and Equal Rights in U.S. History, 2006-10, 2012-13.

History 3645, Post-WWII U.S. Political Movements, 2006

History 3620, History of Sexuality in the United States, 1999-2003

History 1050, Ordinary People in a Changing World, 1999-2001

History 4620, Comparative Political Movements in 20th Century U.S. History, 1999-2000

History 3640, United States: Emergence of a Modern Society, 1865-1950, 1998-99

History 4610: Political Power in American Society, 1998-99

Sexuality Studies 3601, Heterosexualities, 2013

Women’s Studies 3536, Queer Cultures, 2006


Colby College

History 178, Introduction to the History of Sexuality, Spring 1998

History 232, U.S. Women’s History Since 1870, Spring 1998, Spring 1997

History 348, U.S. Urban History, Spring 1997

History 346, Comparative Social Movements in 20th Century U.S. History, Fall 1977, Jan. 1997

History 245, Histories of Sexuality in the United States, Fall 1997, Fall 1996

History 231, American Women’s History to 1870, Fall 1997, Fall 1996


Bryn Mawr College

History 262, Comparative Social Movements in 20th Century U.S. History, Spring 1996

History 342, Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the City, Fall 1995


University of Pennsylvania

History 124, Writing about the History of Sexuality, Spring 1995, Fall 1994

History 164, Recent U.S. History, Summer 1994, Summer 1993

History 345, Women in America, Fall 1994


Guest Lectures and Presentations

“Queering Higher Education History,” Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 340: Sexuality Studies, Lafayette College, Mar. 2023.

“Queer Public History,” History 325: Queer American History, Bryn Mawr College, Apr. 2022.

“Rethinking the Gay and Lesbian Movement,” Sociology 2173: Social Movements, George Washington Univ., Mar. 2019.

“Sexual Injustice: Supreme Court Decisions from Griswold to Roe,” History 175: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights in Modern America,” Franklin and Marshall College, Oct. 2017.

“Philadelphia LGBT Oral History,” History 245: Topics in Modern US History – Making Public Queer History, Bryn Mawr College, Oct. 2017.

“Rethinking the Gay and Lesbian Movement,” History 418: Society and Politics in American History, San Francisco State Univ., May 2015.

“Sexual Injustice: Supreme Court Decisions from Griswold to Roe,” History 790: Seminar in American History Since 1877, San Francisco State Univ., Nov. 2014.

“The History and Politics of Same-Sex Marriage,” Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 232:

            Queer Identities and Politics, Colby College, Sep. 2013.

“AIDS: The First Decade,” Sexuality Studies 2600: Introduction to Critical Sexualities, York Univ., Jan. 2013.

“Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution?” Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 232: Queer Identities and Politics, Colby College, Sep. 2012.


Teaching – Graduate


San Francisco State University

History 702/SXS 702: Sexuality in Historical Perspective, 2016, 2022

History 790: Constitutional Law and Social Justice in U.S. History, 2019, 2024.


York University

History 5591, History of Sexuality in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2003, 2006-10, 2012-14

History 6003, Histories of Women, Genders, and Sexualities (Team-Taught), 2007-10

History 6020, U.S. History Field Seminar (Team-Taught), 1999-2003, 2005-10, 2012-14

Women’s Studies 6128, Queer Theory, 2006-09


Graduate Supervision and Committee Membership


San Francisco State University M.A. Supervision

Gustavo Fierros, 2023; Niko Sigua, 2023; Ruth Truman, 2023; Michael Drum, 2022; Max McClure, 2022; Andrew Johnson, 2021; Carlos Tapia, 2021; Adam Joseph Nichols, 2020; Mario Burrus, 2019; Blaise Boegel, 2019


York University M.A. Supervision

Joseph Pazzano, 2014; Darya Serykh, 2014; MacKenzie Gott, 2014; Tiffany Dickson, 2012; Alexandria Anderson, 2012; Andrea Zanin, 2011; Tamara Lang, 2011; Mark Gaspar, 2010; Ryan Woolfrey, 2009; Elizabeth Thorne, 2008; Geoff Belknap, 2006


York University Ph.D. Supervision

Merrick Pilling, 2014; Katherine Bausch, 2014; Mark Abraham, 2014; Lee Win Hing, 2010


York University Ph.D. Supervisory Committee

Tamara Lang, 2018; Katherine Perdue, 2014; Alisa Grigorovich, 2014; Joseph Tohill, 2012; Shannon Stettner, 2011; Jason Reid, 2011; Christine Grandy, 2008; Laila Haidarali, 2007; Richard Gilmour, 2004; Sarah Elvins, 2001


External Member - Ph.D. Supervisory Committee

Nicholas Matte, U. Toronto, 2014; Melissa Stein, Rutgers U., 2008


York University Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Committee

Patricia Salah, 2009; Karen MacFarlane, 2008; Jason Kunin, 2002; Annette Bickford, 2001


External Ph.D. Examiner

Erin Gallagher-Cohoon, Queens U., 2024; Steven Maynard, Queens U., 2018; Elise Chenier, Queens U., 2001


Other Teaching-Related Activities

Coordinator, School of Arts and Sciences Teaching Assistant Training Program, Univ. Pennsylvania, 1992-94.

Senior Fellow, Writing Across the University, Univ. Pennsylvania, 1991-93.




San Francisco State University

Member, History Dept. Elections Comm., 2022-24 (Chair, 2023-24).

Member, History Dept. Development and Finance Comm., 2021-24 (Chair, 2023-24).

Member, Academic Senate and Academic Senate Faculty Affairs Comm., 2021-23.

Member, History Dept. Retention, Tenure, and Promotions Subcomm., 2014-18, 2021-24 (Chair, 2021-24).

Member, History Dept. Hiring Subcomm., 2014-17, 2019-20, 2021-23 (Chair, 2015-16).

Member, University Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Council, 2019-23.

Member, University Sabbatical Comm., 2021-22.

Member, History Dept. Curriculum Comm., 2018-20 (Chair, 2018-19).

Member, College of Liberal and Creative Arts Leave-with-Pay Comm., 2018-19.

Member, Mullins Prize Comm., History Dept., 2019.


York University

Steward, History Dept., York Univ. Faculty Assoc., 2013-14.

Chair, Queer Caucus, York Univ. Faculty Assoc., 2013-14.

Acting Director, Graduate Program in Women’s Studies/Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies, Jul.-Aug. 2006, Jul.-Aug. 2007, Jul.-Aug. 2008, Feb. 2009, Jun.-Jul. 2013.

Steward, Queer Caucus, York Univ. Faculty Assoc., 2011-13.

Director, Sexuality Studies Program, School of Women’s Studies, 2006-09.

Acting Chair, School of Women’s Studies, July-Aug. 2008.

Director of Undergraduate Studies, History Dept., Faculty of Arts, 2001-03.

Committees: Graduate History Program Exec. (1999-2001, 2014); Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies Exec. (2013-14); School of Women’s Studies Tenure and Promotion (2007-08, 2011-12); Graduate Program in History Admissions (2007-10, 2011-12); History Dept. Awards (1998-99, 2005-09, 2011-12); History Dept. Curriculum (2000-03, 2009); History Dept. Exec. (2001-03); Faculty of Arts Petitions (1999-2001).


University of Pennsylvania

President, Graduate History Assoc., 1992-93.

Co-Chair, Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Academic Union, 1990-91.


Curriculum Vitae Updated July 2024